Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day from all of us! One of our activities for the day was to go to Natalie and Noah's first outdoor concert in Golden Gate Park.

Natalie and her balloon all ready to go...

Noah is up from his nap...

Natalie up from her nap with baby, milk and food ready to go...

At the park! Lemonade is tasty!

We hope everyone had as great a Father's Day as we did!

*Julie's notes regarding Tyler's post above:
-The Natalie/balloon picture was actually taken yesterday... we sort of celebrated Father's Day all weekend around here :-)

-Here is Natalie debuting one of several new hairstyles she sported this weekend. She has finally gotten comfortable with our styling her hair, and it's been a lot of fun!

-Her shirt says "I love my Daddy"... Noah's outfit says "Handsome Like Daddy". Unfortunately, both shirts are likely totally ruined after today. Natalie's shirt had an unfortunate luncheon encounter involving some Elmo Tomato Soup... and Noah is 7 weeks + 2 Days... longtime blog readers will remember that when Natalie was 7 weeks + 2 Days, she ruined a couple of her outfits as well as my own with some very forceful pooping incidents. Noah is following in her footsteps TO THE DAY. Does anyone else think that is pretty cool?

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