Friday, October 19, 2007

Two Months!

Our girl is now two months old. What a ride it's been! She's gone from sleeping all day and night, to sleeping really well at night and poorly during the day, to sleeping passably during the day and poorly at night. Once we move into our ultra-quiet new house, we're hoping for better sleeping patterns. In the meantime we're using the white noise machine liberally, and shooting dirty looks out the window at all the loud trucks and cars. However, I've found that the dirty looks don't really do much...

As you can see, she loves her hands - so much so that she gets incredibly frustrated when her whole fist won't fit into her mouth! I've always loved her adorable, scrunchy little fingers and toes, so I'm glad she is starting to feel the same.

In growth news, she is now too long for most of her 0-3 month clothes! It's so fun to pull out her 3-6 month outfits - but at the same time, I'm sad to have to put her her stylish newborn duds into storage.

Her favorite place besides home? Starbucks, of course (just like Mommy and Daddy). Whenever we walk in, she gets extremely quiet and alert. I don't know if it's the people, or the lighting, or the music... but she just loves it.

Quite a few people have asked how Reese is doing with this whole thing. We seem to have good weeks and bad weeks... somehow we had hoped that the cat would wake us up less at night, since we'd already be up with Natalie, but this has not proven to be the case. If Natalie gets up at 3 a.m., Reese chooses 3:45 (after we've fallen back asleep) as her time to run around meowing. Fun. She sulks sometimes, as shown, but I think she's really starting to come to grips with our new little one.

We're so happy with our little family! It's really fun to see Natalie grow and change. We can't wait to see what this upcoming month has in store.

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