Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Six Months!

Our beloved guy is six months (and got 4 shots and one oral vaccine today to prove it)!

Noah's Stats:

Weight: 17 lb, 10 oz (58%)

Height: 27.75 inches (91%)

Head Circumference: 17.52" (75%)

At six months his sister was:

Weight: 16 lbs, 6 oz (60%)

Height: 27 inches (90%)

Head Circumference: 17.32" (78%)

I think it's funny that Noah is so much heavier than Natalie was but is still in the same approximate percentile for weight.

His diet consists of mostly milk from mom, with a spot of formula here and there. He's also eating three meals of solid food a day. He absolutely adores mom's homemade sweet potatoes and likes avocado too. This is in contrast to his sister who couldn't stand either! Also, she really liked bananas and pears, and he seems to dislike banana and to only tolerate pear. We feed him mostly oatmeal otherwise, because rice cereal seemed to clog up the pipes a little bit if you get my drift. We tried winter squash the other day but he's just not that into jarred food. Perhaps when I make him some homemade butternut squash he will like it better. We will see.
He sleeps quite well at night - generally 7:30 p.m. - 5 a.m. or so, a quick wakeup (a snack puts him back to sleep) and then back to bed until either 7:30 a.m. rolls around, or Natalie wakes him up ;) I want to sleep-train him soon because he doesn't *need* that 5 a.m. wakeup, but I am hesitant to do so with Natalie sleeping not that far away. We shall see how things progress.
In terms of temperament, he is still very easygoing though he certainly gets his desires known more and more as the days progress. He loves to squeal and shriek - especially in his crib when he wakes up - see sleep training above - and loves it when Natalie shakes jingly toys at him or Tyler plays guitar for him. Maybe he will be musical like his dad? He rolls from his back onto his tummy but has made no overtures whatsoever to turn the other way. It's not that he tries and can't do it - he has absolutely no desire to go back that way. Even if I turn him over when he's tired and protesting, he will roll right back over onto his tummy again. Oy vey, kid! So funny that before he had no desire to be on his tummy and now he has no desire to be on his back. He lays there on his tummy and spins his arms and legs wildly. This move seems intended to propel him forward, but as he is not Superman (to our knowledge), it just results in fatigue and frustration. He also isn't very into sitting up on his own. If we hold him that way for a few minutes, he kicks out with his legs until he gets onto his back and then flips over - you guessed it - onto his tummy. He quite likes the swings at the park, which is challenging because Natalie will only tolerate the swings for about 30 seconds before she is begging to go back on the "phwides". She's not quite old enough, in my opinion, to go running off on her own at our San Francisco parks so I try to keep her close. It's much easier if someone else is with us to help out - otherwise Noah just keeps getting the short end of the stick!
No teeth yet. Just the normal miserable hours while the teeth move around, but fail to appear on the surface. Thankfully, Natalie only has to deliver two more teeth and then she's done for a few years... Phew...
Both kids seem to like each other still. Natalie tries very hard to be helpful with Noah, which has its upsides and downsides. I can always count on her to give him a toy if he's fussy, but I can't always count on it being the *right* toy for his age. She really tries though. I try to walk the line between Noah's personal space and ensuring that the two of them enjoy each other and can become friends when the time comes.
And now he's been protesting in his crib for the whole time I've been writing this, so I should probably rescue him! A 45 minute nap won't cut it for much longer, buster! :-)

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