Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Fairies Stole My Child (and left a new one in his place)

So, Noah has NEVER been a paci baby. He wanted nothing to do with it - Mom was good enough, thank you very much. For the last week, though, ALL he wants in the entire world, at all times, is the paci. And nothing to do with Mom.

Noah has been sleeping through the night (roughly) since he was about six weeks old. For the last week? WAKEUPS. Many of them.

He used to light up when I walked in the room. Now, when Tyler comes home from work, he wants nothing whatsoever to do with me. Once he knows Tyler's home, he cries and cries until Tyler pays individual attention to him.

I just want to know where the fairies took the Noah who loved ME best, who didn't need a pacifier at all hours of the day and night, who was perfectly content to lie around and hang out with me. I really liked that Noah.

This Noah can roll over both ways, though, so I suppose there's that...

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