Sunday, April 13, 2008

A few shots from late March/ early April

At the end of March, Sarah and Anna came over for a trip to the swings at the park. Both girls needed to eat lunch before setting out... good thing Kai's high chair lives right next to Natalie's high chair in our kitchen! Yet another advantage of sharing child care during the day with a wonderful family like Maureen and Kai.
The girls playing
Uh, Anna? I think there's a little something on your nose.
Here's a picture of Natalie hamming it up for the camera. She is really into scooting around on her tummy these days. Can you imagine that there was once a time when this girl would *scream* if she was made to do tummy time? Feels like that was all a dream.
Natalie's new hat. We like the ear flaps! She likes the strings. It's a win-win situation.

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