Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Easter Bunny

I hereby apologize for the tardiness of this post! We have been itching to get these pictures online since Sunday, but it's been a long week around here (work-wise).

Kai's grandma bought Natalie the most gorgeous Easter jacket. She was literally stopping traffic all day Sunday when she was wearing this outfit! People stopped, smiled, pointed, and brought others over to look at the adorable baby in the bunny jacket! I think you'll agree that she was just too adorable.
Baby and Mom
Sitting like a big girl
Adorable Maya, who came over for Easter lunch with her parents Todd and Kearsley
Swinging at the park (Golden Gate Park, that is)
Maya totally loves the swings!
Kai and Maureen also came over. Kai is getting cuter than ever, and is very close to crawling! What a big boy!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Saturday night our friends Cheryl and Adam were supposed to come over for dinner. They called us about an hour before they were scheduled to arrive, asking if they could bring their NEW PUPPY over! We didn't even have to think about it, we just said effusively "Yes!" What a fabulous surprise.

Can you believe how cute Winston is? I'm not ashamed to say that I tried to convince them to leave Winston with us at the end of the evening - but was not successful. Sad!

March: In like a Lion

Well, March came in like a Lion! A Leo lion, born August 18th, that is.
Darling Anna's birthday - one year old! What a gorgeous party it was!
"Mom, some day I will get you back for these pictures, I swear!"
A few weeks ago we took Natalie to see my favorite, the sea lions at Fisherman's Wharf. We also ate at Taylor's at the Ferry Building- yum.

Here is Natalie, getting ready for Easter!

360 degrees of Natalie

It is amazing to watch our little girl get more and more active! She recently added the 360-degree spin to her repertoire!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Natalie is becoming quite active these days! Here she is in action:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Another Tooth

Tooth number two popped through yesterday. We are really hoping for a break in the teething action around here - Tyler and I want to catch up on sleep!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lots Going On

The last few weeks have been full of highs and lows. The absolute low is that my sister Pam was recently diagnosed with cancer, and we are learning how to deal with that information. But, as previously mentioned, helping us remember how to smile is the news about Natalie's new cousin, Matthew John, son of my other sister Amy and her husband Chris. He looks to be a handsome boy with a gorgeous head of dark hair.
In Natalie's world, we are having some less extreme highs and lows. The low is that her sleeping has been very off, and the nights full of wakeups. But guess what! Monday February 25th brought her first tooth, and the second is following close behind! So that's exciting. It's nice to have a reason for the wakeups. It helps us handle it a bit better.
Natalie has tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and bananas so far! She likes sweet potatoes much better after a few days of trying them, but took to butternut squash right away.
Last weekend we returned the infant swing to the Youngs family, and next borrowed their Jumperoo. Natalie loves, loves, loves it! The next three pictures depict her first temper tantrum- I stopped helping her jump long enough to take a picture, and needless to say, that was not favored Mommy-behavior.
Loving it
Hey, seriously, Mom, what are you doing?
Help me jump, gosh darn it!

Here is a picture of Natalie using her new teething toy - she supports breast cancer research. Let's get Aunt Pam cured right now, she says!
Saturday was Grandma Kathy's birthday. They paid us a visit over the weekend so we could all celebrate together. Sadly, Tyler had to work on Saturday, so Natalie and I took the grandparents to Pillar Point to show off one of our favorite places. We had a delicious lunch and took their dog, Sierra, for a nice walk on the beach.
Natalie trying out the swings in Golden Gate Park on a sunny Sunday afternoon. They proved a hit!