Monday, May 24, 2010

The Thrills of a Backyard

So, so happy these days.

Loves chewing on the "helicopters" (possibly just for the never-ending, hugely amusing thrill of hearing Mom say "No!") and crawling through the jungle of our backyard.

So Big!

Giggling in the pool (thanks, Great-Grandma Freda, Grandma Kathy, and Grandpa Geoff!)

Bathing beauty wearing Ariel (predictably)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This image demonstrates how Noah felt about his birthday gifts this year. -- Edited to note, he is HAPPY in the below! HAPPY, I tell you.

This child has an incredible knack for discovering exactly which cabinet has been left unsecured. His sister had no curiosity for learning the mechanics of the cabinets. It was enough for her that one cabinet was left open for her private usage (with plastic containers, bibs, and the like)... she attempted the other cabinets, they did not open, and that was all she wrote. Not so for Noah. He hoots with excitement when our childproofing devices are left awry, army-crawls with a vengeance toward said cupboard, and then opens/closes/opens/closes until he bonks his head or his hand or until mom removes him from the premises with copious tears. Whichever happens first. Either way, no good can come of our laxity.

Natalie has taken to screaming "Noah's getting me!" whenever he comes near. It doesn't help that five times out of six, he is in fact headed toward "getting her"... grabbing at her pants, trying to take her toys, trying to stand by holding onto whatever chair she is currently sitting on. Poor guys. It's just a phase but what a phase.

And now, Noah has awoken from his nap in a mood. He is crying. Natalie is highly disturbed that Noah needs us and I am writing, so off we go.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

One year!

Today is Noah's special day and despite being a little under the weather, he had a great day!

Thanks so much to all our family who came over to celebrate today with our special boy and everyone who wished him well from afar!

The Noah update: he is just itching to get the standing/walking thing down and we can tell how much he wants to be up following his sister around. He has his two bottom front teeth and his top four front teeth...just like his sister at this age! Words include: mama, dada, yes, kitty, and Reese, and it seems like many more are just around the corner. He is enjoying cow's milk and had his first taste of birthday cake today and thought it wasn't too bad, though if we had let him crawl through his new sandbox, he would have been even more pleased!

P.S. Natalie was a very good big sister and was very excited to celebrate with Noah today and even helped him open his presents!