We got
tagged by our friend Olen - now we have to tell everyone seven things that people don't know about me.
Hmm, this is hard!
1. I really hate the vacuum cleaner at home… Mom normally has to take me for a walk while Dad vacuums, or else I will cry and cry! However – I DO NOT MIND the vacuum cleaner at daycare. They vacuum every day and I never cry even a little bit there.
2. I am a very excellent eater. Yesterday I ate twice as much grilled cheese as any other child at daycare, including kids twice my age.
3. I am very ticklish around the neck.
4. My favorite animal at the zoo seems to be the giraffe. The last time we went to the zoo, they were very frisky – one was even running around the exhibit. I was totally enthralled! My favorite non-zoo animal seems to be the ‘dog-dog’, though I get really excited every morning the first time I see my cat Reese.
5. I have been to (or through) six states so far: California, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana.
6. In the morning I generally wake up as soon as I hear mom & dad’s alarm clock go off. I talk and chatter in my room for ½ hour until they are all ready for work, and then they come get me. Every morning, they say “are you awake?” and I laugh and smile at them. Then I spend the next ½ hour drinking my morning bottle, walking around the house inspecting it for any changes since the night before, getting a diaper change, and getting ready to go to daycare.
7. Yesterday mom said “Natalie, are you the best baby in the entire world?” and I said “YES”. Who knows if I know what “yes” means, but I sure said it at the appropriate time!
Now I'm supposed to tag other people so they tell us seven new things about themselves. I for sure want to make sure Connor Foy tells us seven new things about himself, as he's just turned 1 year old and I'm sure he has a host of secrets up his sleeve. If anyone else wants to play along please feel free!