Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where are the updates???

Well, we are sorry that it has been a few weeks since we've posted. I have to say that I have had no energy lately! Being pregnant (sixteen weeks) with Natalie's little brother or sister has taken something out of me. Plus, she's gotten six new teeth in the last couple of weeks AND had a wicked fever (roseola) for a couple days in there, so nighttime sleep has been very impacted, meaning that I have been lying around on the couch in my spare few minutes.
But Natalie is doing well!
We will post more after the weekend. My parents are here visiting and we are about to head out to meet them somewhere north of the Golden Gate Bridge. It's been a fun visit so far! Natalie was a little shy the first day, but now all she wants to do is play with her grandparents.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Learning - Updated

Apologies for the lack of pictures :-) We will post some soon.

Highlights of the week:

Natalie's new words -
-"uh oh!"
-go bye bye
-all done
-she now says "mommy" instead of mama, and "daddy" instead of dada.

In another fun development, Natalie was given a Rody for her birthday from our friends in Massachusetts. She really likes it, and now has decided that everything should be a ride-on toy. Including mommy, daddy, her tractor, her walker, and her fisher price farm (she sits between the silo and the actual barn - probably wondering why it won't GO). Mom is going to head to Target tomorrow at lunch to buy her an actual ride-on tomorrow! Dad's out of town this week, so it will be a loooong one for us, and we need some amusement.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Seven Things People Don't Necessarily Know About Natalie

We got tagged by our friend Olen - now we have to tell everyone seven things that people don't know about me.

Hmm, this is hard!

1. I really hate the vacuum cleaner at home… Mom normally has to take me for a walk while Dad vacuums, or else I will cry and cry! However – I DO NOT MIND the vacuum cleaner at daycare. They vacuum every day and I never cry even a little bit there.

2. I am a very excellent eater. Yesterday I ate twice as much grilled cheese as any other child at daycare, including kids twice my age.

3. I am very ticklish around the neck.

4. My favorite animal at the zoo seems to be the giraffe. The last time we went to the zoo, they were very frisky – one was even running around the exhibit. I was totally enthralled! My favorite non-zoo animal seems to be the ‘dog-dog’, though I get really excited every morning the first time I see my cat Reese.

5. I have been to (or through) six states so far: California, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana.

6. In the morning I generally wake up as soon as I hear mom & dad’s alarm clock go off. I talk and chatter in my room for ½ hour until they are all ready for work, and then they come get me. Every morning, they say “are you awake?” and I laugh and smile at them. Then I spend the next ½ hour drinking my morning bottle, walking around the house inspecting it for any changes since the night before, getting a diaper change, and getting ready to go to daycare.

7. Yesterday mom said “Natalie, are you the best baby in the entire world?” and I said “YES”. Who knows if I know what “yes” means, but I sure said it at the appropriate time!

Now I'm supposed to tag other people so they tell us seven new things about themselves. I for sure want to make sure Connor Foy tells us seven new things about himself, as he's just turned 1 year old and I'm sure he has a host of secrets up his sleeve. If anyone else wants to play along please feel free!