We just returned from a trip to Michigan - hence the lack of blog posts! Here are some pictures from our jaunt.
Mohawk baby, getting her hair washed the night before we left so she could impress the family with her cuteness.
Natalie with her cousin (and my godchild) Nathan! Isn't he handsome?
We went to Katie's soccer game while in Michigan. Natalie loved watching all the kids run around.
Katie climbing trees.
Natalie at Bubba/Gramma Nance's house, sitting in her new fancy Michigan high chair! While we were there, she tried some new foods - tofu and wheat (bread). Both successes. She likes tofu because she can eat it herself as finger food.
In the backyard at Aunt Pam's house.
Then on Wednesday we drove to Evanston IL to visit Aunt Amy, Uncle Chris, and Matthew! It was the first time we'd seen Matthew, though he's eight weeks old. What a charmer. They don't make babies any sweeter than him. Once I picked him up, I had such a hard time putting him down again! He is the calmest, most delightful little guy.
Natalie has a hard time leaving other babies alone :-). She tried to grab Matthew - possibly searching for his paci? She loves to steal everyone else's paci, even when she has her own available.
Then we returned to Michigan. Here is a picture of Kates and Natalie. As you can guess by our attire, the weather was purely delightful while we were there - we had lots of nice outside time.
Emma amusing her cousin.
Aunt Pam holding her niece!
The trip was full of wonderful family time. Unfortunately, it also coincided with
chemo for Aunt Pam. We're glad that we were able to help out and have planned other trips back for this summer, so Natalie gets to enjoy lots of cross-country flights.
In other Natalie News:
Natalie is very vocal like her mother. She particularly loves to say 'MAMAMAMAMAMAMA', which I find very flattering! She also uses almost all other consonants in random order. We love to hear it.
She still isn't crawling per se, just scooting around on her stomach - though she has started the phase where she gets up onto her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Believe me... Tyler and I aren't too eager for full-fledged crawling. At the same time, we accept that it isn't that far away! It's nice and exciting to see her moving around while she's still relatively slow. I wish we could continue to be a few steps ahead of her, but alas... I fear those days are rapidly drawing to a close.